
We Help Patients Save Money
And Get Better Healthcare

Overall Savings

Compared to a traditional insurance plan, the DPC format saves money because it eliminates the insurance company’s overhead and the doctors’ coding clerks. Additional services may be paid using funds from your Health Savings Account or by your employer, saving even more.

Smarter Incentives

The insurance model rewards expensive and often un-necessary testing, referrals, and treatment, and limits visit time. With DPC, your provider will take the time to order the medical solutions that serve you best, not the particular medications or procedures that are required by an insurance plan.

Peace of Mind

You will enjoy transparent pricing at the time of service for all additional services provided. No co-pays, no questions about what insurance will or won’t cover, no surprises down the road when the bill comes.

Proactive Well Care

A yearly, comprehensive physical is included in your membership, follow up visits are included, and there are no financial hurdles (e.g. co-pays, deductibles) to being seen when you are injured, sick, or have a question.

Equivalent Care

DPC is a business model; the doctors themselves have the same training and deliver the exact same standard of care that you're used to and expect.

More Frequent Visits

Visits with your provider can be longer than is feasible under the insurance model. You can usually get same day or next day appointments and follow-up visits if necessary. With DPC, your provider can truly be your wellness coach.

Specialized Attention

DPC medical practices are smaller, which allows your provider to have a much better knowledge of your overall health. This stronger and more personalized relationship means that many questions and issues can be resolved by phone or email, without the need for a trip to the office, co-pays, deductibles, etc.

Better Outcomes

DPC patients are happier as shown by a survey of 700 DPC practices representing 215,000 patients. This makes sense given that the DPC format enables a more personal relationship, more frequent and longer visits, proper treatment incentives, lower costs and few or no surprises.

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